Thursday, April 11, 2013

We Did It!!!

Sydney just slept 11 1/2 STRAIGHT hours!!!! Yes, you heard me right... Sydney slept through the night!!!!

I am so happy I could cry... And the best part of all? We did it without making her "cry it out!"

First, let me start off by saying that I do not have a problem with the "cry it out" method.  However, it just wasn't for Sydney and I.  I personally believe that if a baby is crying they have a need that is not being met.  Whether it is a physical need (like nursing or a diaper change), or an emotional need (like snuggling), crying is the only way babies can communicate and they are telling you they need something.   People have said to me " She's just manipulating you... she knows if she cries, you will come."  Well, I don't think a 9 month old baby is capable of manipulation, and I don't think there is anything wrong with my baby knowing that every time she cries, I am going to come!  I think it is teaching her trust and gives us both comfort that I can meet her needs and only makes our bond stronger!

There have been tons of people telling me for months that I just needed to let her cry it out for a few nights, and I am really proud of myself for sticking with my gut not giving in to all the pressure people were putting on me. 

As much as people want to give you their opinions when you are pregnant, it only gets worse once baby is here! And I am definitely happy to listen to all of those opinions.  But in the end, I have to listen to my instincts and do what I feel is right for Sydney and I.  And, I did just that with Sydney's sleep training and we will got to the finish line!  Yes, it took much longer and, yes, I had 9 months of sleep less nights... But we got there and my baby did not have to spend any nights crying!!

I have read a ton of books on no cry sleep training.  My two favorites are "The No Cry Sleep Solution" and "The Happiest Baby on the Block: Sleep Guide."  They both provided a lot of great ideas for sleep training Sydney, and obviously their suggestions worked!  With a lot of determination of consistency, I was able to help Sydney learn to sleep through the night, all without either of us shedding any tears!

Let's just keep our fingers crossed and she sleeps through the night again tonight (and every night after!!!!)....

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! And I'm so proud of your for sticking with your gut and mothering the way you and your family need you to! I'm so happy for you all! Can't wait to see the new place

    <3 Katy
