Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poor Sydney!!

For the past 9 months Sydney has woken up anywhere from 5am to 630am.  I have never had to wake her up myself for anything!!  Well, today, it was 7:10 and time to leave for work/daycare and she was still snoring away.. and I actually had to wake my child up for the first time ever!! And she was not happy about it AT ALL!!!  I am soo thankful that she is finally starting to sleep a little better ( waking up only 1-2 times a night instead of 4-5, and sleeping close to 12 hours a night, rather than the 9-10 hours she used to sleep), and I just felt awful about it.  I even tried to change her clothes and diaper with her in her crib still sleeping because I thought maybe i could transition her to the car without waking her up, but no such luck.  I have always had VERY cold hands and feet, and the second my hand touched her bare skin, she jolted awake and began to cry hysterically!  I don't blame her at all - i would also be crying hysterically if I was just learning to stay asleep and now people were telling me I couldn't sleep anymore!!  Hopefully that will never happen again (although I'm sure it will).....

Don't worry Syd the Kid. Tomorrow you can sleep as late as you want (although, I'd bet money that tomorrow you're up at 6am just because!)....

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