Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Big Move!

It has been a busy couple of weeks for the Hill Household.  I was busy moving us to our new home while Mark was off winning the NCAA's with the Michigan Men's Swim/Dive Team!!  It is EXHAUSTING moving by yourself with an almost 9 month old and three dogs.  I am so grateful to our friends who were able to come over and help out with everything.   A huge thanks to the following people..

Heather - thanks for all of your help on moving day, I would not have been able to do it with out you!!!!
James - thanks for helping on Saturday with the washer/dryer, the ceiling fan in the living room, and mounting the TV above the fireplace!!
Kaila - thanks for all of your help with Sydney and the dogs!  It made my life a lot easier the days you were there because I knew I could focus on getting unpacked while you took care of Syd the kid!!
Linnea - You are an amazing drawer and bookshelf builder and I really appreciate all of your help!!
Olivia - Thanks for running errands and helping me get marks office pieced together before he got home!
Michelle and Tony - Thanks for coming over to play with Sydney and for the most yummy treats in the whole world!!!

I have lots of Sydney updates coming soon (just as soon as I can find my computer and upload her latest photos from my camera!), and pictures of the new house coming soon too!! 

Until then, here's a Sydney Smile to make your day...

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