Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sydney Turns 1!

Since Sydney loves animals so much, we thought it would be fun to take her to the zoo for her birthday!  Sydney had so much fun looking at the different animals. Her favorite animal in the whole zoo was the Wolverine.... she thought it was a dog!  She pointed at it and squealed "DAAAAH DAHHH DAAAHHHH" (her way of saying dog) for almost ten minutes! She also liked watching the polar bear swim, the chimpanzee family playing, and the prairie dogs scurrying round! She got to see a pretty tiger playing in the water, and walked through a kangaroo habitat.  She rode the train (and loved it) and rode the carousel (and did not love that so much)! By the end of our time there, she could barely keep her eyes open, but did not want to miss anything! She passed out the second she was back in her car seat and snuggled the whole ride home with her new wolverine stuff animal, who we named... Dog =).

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