Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Morning Snuggles

I have to admit, when it comes to the sleep department we are not doing so well.  Sydney still wakes up 3-4 times a night to nurse and although I have been taking baby steps towards sleep training, we are both struggling with the concept.  Most nights by 4 or 5am, I give up and Sydney comes to bed with us for the rest of the night ( which normally ends by 630am)!! Needless to say, I am one tired mama. But, Sydney always wakes up in the sweetest, happiest mood. And as much as I cringe when she starts stirring, pining for a few more minutes of sleep... The second she smiles and coos at me that all goes out the window and I feel like to luckiest person in the world to wake up in such a special way. It's especially fun on the mornings that daddy is still home too, as was the case this morning... I love our family :).

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