Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hill's Happenings...

Helping mommy pack for our big move!!

Chillin with Lola

Rocking my converse =)

Nap time...

Learning to walk!!!

Napping with the Pups...

Playing in the bath with Auntie Michelle...

Trying to get Maxwell's ears...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

This is the face....

Of a baby who only woke up one time last night!!!!

This is the face of her mom :)

The End.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Baby Yoga

Sydney is on her way to standing on her own.  Watching her try to do this has been hysterical.  She constantly looks like she is doing yoga and her favortie positions are downward dog and running pose! I took a few pictures from her morning yoga session today and couldn't help but snap a  few close ups of her adorable face as well.  Enjoy...


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Stander Baby!

Sydney starting crawling exactly one week ago today.  A few minutes ago, she was busy playing on her mat and I went in the kitchen to grab a drink.  When I came back, this is how I found her...


The best part of all was that she proceeded to stand there and laugh for about 5 minutes!  She thinks she is one funny baby, and I have to agree!  I used to think she sounded like a gremlin when she laughed, but mark and I have recently started watching The Walking Dead and we are both convinced she sounds just like a mini walker (only much cuter of course!!!).

I said it in yesterday's post, and i'll say it again right now... I can't believe how FAST she is growing and learning!!! She'll be walking before we know it:).

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bath Time!

Tonight Sydney took her first solo bath! Until now, I have either showered with her or gotten in the tub with her every night as part of her bed time routine.  But tonight, I ventured out and let Sydney enjoy the bath on her own.  She had a blast playing with her toys and splashing around in the water.  And I just loved the way her hair clung to her forehead =).

I cant believe how big she looked sitting up in the tub all by herself!  She is growing up so fast.  I hardly see a little baby anymore; instead she is starting to look - AND ACT - like a little person.  Her personality is so vibrant and I continue to be amazed by her every moment of every day!!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Finger Foods!

We started Sydney on basic finger foods this week, like banana pieces and cheerios.  She has not quite figured out how to get the food in her mouth yet, but she has been having a blast playing with these treats!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sydney 7 Months!

Sydney and I had a blast with her 7 Month old photo shoot.  It is definitely a challenge to photograph her now that she is mobile and always on the go and we both got a work out during the valentine's day themed shoot! Until next time...