Sunday, June 23, 2013

Father's Day Art Project

Now that Father's Day has passed and everyone has received their presents from Sydney, I am so excited to share some pictures of her making her father's day presents. It was the first art project that Sydney and I did together and we had a blast!! Much to my dismay, Sydney even snacked on the (NON TOXIC) baby paint we used for our projects....

Dada's Art Project.....

attempting to wipe the paint off of syd the kid's mouth...

Back Yard Fun!

Our yard is finally starting look like... well, A YARD!!!! The grass is growing in, and over the past week we have been able to start playing outback!!! With temperatures up in the 80's we broke out the baby pool, which Sydney and Lola both liked to cool off in. I also put together an early birthday present from Grandpa Larry and Grandma Pat... an awesome playground set!!! Sydney loves going down the slides, and has already figured out how to climg up and down the ladder!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Walking Update...

Sydney has been taking a few steps here and there for the past month or so.... But two days, she REALLY started walking!!! In the morning she was still crawling everywhere, and in the afternoon she was walking everywhere. It's amazing to me how it happens just like that!!!!!
I was able to film her walking around the house today, but I had to catch her in the act from behind because if she saw my phone she would have gotten too distracted..

Gimme Me More Hummus...

...And no one gets hurt!

Playdate at the Park

We had so much fun playing at the park with our friends, Audrey and Leyton.  Sydney is becomeing very mobile outdoors and she had fun swinging and crawling all over the park!! When she was done playing she enjoyed a cold bottle under a shady tree.  What a great afternoon adventure!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Q Tip MOnster

There is a Q Tip monster in our home.. and her name is Sydney. 

 I don't know what it is, but Sydney is OBSESSED with chewing on Q Tips. She is teething right now, and I think the Q Tips are a perfect chew toy for her.  She knows exactly where they are in the bathroom and bolts for them every time we are upstairs. 

 Don't worry, I always supervise her when she is gnawing on one and when it gets soft I take it away :).

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fun on the Swing

Some new photos....

Life has been EXTREMELY busy for the past few weeks.  Between taking care of a sick kid, having her surgery, getting my photography business back up and running, working (yuck), taking care of the pups, etc.. i havent had much time for anything - let alone updating the blog.  So here's a few pics of our life lately... 

right before getting her ear tubes placed....

right after playing in a mud puddle....

watching Dada in the backyard with the dogs....

eating with an audience....

Thursday, June 6, 2013