Monday, May 27, 2013

Pool Time Fun!!

Since the warm weather just does not want to hang around, and also because we dont have a lawn yet, Sydney has not been able to play outside in her baby pool or splash pool.  So yesterday, I decided to bring the pool to her!  I turned hte heath up and layed out a blankent in the play room to catch any water that spilled and set up the splash pool inside.  Sydney had a blast!!!!! I can't wait until she can play out in the back yard every day!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yee Ha!

Sydney was a cowgirl yesterday and looked super cute!  She LOVES tutus!!

Sydney's First Steps

Yesterday Sydney took her first steps!! It was so exciting to watch, and Mark and I were both there to see it!!  She took about 5 steps in a row and then lost her balance.  I managed to catch her taking a few more steps on camera. She still definitely prefers crawling, and i'll be interested to see how long it takes for her to consistently walk...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pretend Springtime...

Since the wonderful Michigan weather keeps going from hot to cold, we decided to have pretend springtime instead today!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sydney Sightings

Standing by herself like a big girl =)

Helping Mama put the dishes away.

So cute =)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Family Photos

We decided to take some new family photos yesterday since it was so nice out.  Unfortunately, it's hard to get pictures of the three of us together, since Mark or I have to be behind the camera. But, we did ask a little girl at the park to snap one of us all together at the end of our mini session!